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**Attention Readers: As of 1/24/14 all printables are first come first serve. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I had to end my Box membership, so they will only allow a set number of downloads per month. Once I’m moved and have settled in to my new home, I should be able to once again afford the monthly fees. In the mean time please come back at the first of the month and try downloading. Thank you for your patience.


Free: Car Emergency Printables

Nothing can halt a summer road trip faster than a mini-crisis, if you’re not ready for it. I know it’s not an overly enjoyable subject; but what would you do if something went wrong?

We have minor bumps and scrapes covered with our DIY Car First Aid kit; But what about the dreaded fender bender? With just about everyone and their mother on the road this summer, it’s a good idea to take some advice from the Boy Scouts and BE PREPARED!

{download here}

We've all been there - a distracted driver strikes your car; instantly sidelining your day, and you have to spend the next several hours exchanging insurance information, filing a police report, and taking lots of pictures.

The long list of post accident to-do’s is overwhelming even when you’re not in a mild state of shock! So what happens if you forget an important step like getting the witness's name or the police officer’s badge number?

I've been in several MVAs {I’m a magnet for bad drivers}, so an accident checklist and report form are a must for me to keep in my car! The next time a driver wants to play bumper cars with me, I won’t have to worry that I’ll forget something. Instead I can just pickup my cute clipboard and start filling out the report form with all of the important details!

I also keep two cards in my wallet for quick accesses to important medical information and emergency contacts, along with a reference list of policy numbers, auto clubs and important car and driver information.

Knowing that I have a plan in place if something did happen, allows me to fully relax and enjoy my vacation.
. Photobucket
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  1. These are great to have in all of our vehicles. You obviously put a lot of thought into them and worked with law enforcement and an insurance company to include all necessary information.

    One thing you might want to add, is after some quick pictures are taken of the location of the vehicles, if they are driveable, then drive the vehicles to the shoulder of the road. In Washington State we have a "steer it, clear it" law.

    1. Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Car Emergency Printables >>>>> Download Now

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  2. i rally like the first aid list i have three grandchildren and they like to spend time with me and this first aid kit will come in handy thank you

  3. Thank you for sharing! Trying to organize your life can get quite overwhelming...but I'm finding that your printables are making it much easier...and fun...because they're so darn cute! Thanks so much for letting others enjoy your hard work! xoxo

  4. Thank you for sharing! Trying to organize your life can get quite overwhelming...but I'm finding that your printables are making it much easier...and fun...because they're so darn cute! Thanks so much for letting others enjoy your hard work! xoxo

  5. How do I download these? When I tried it took me to box. I logged in and it still wouldn't download. Just making sure I'm not the only one with this problem. Is there another way I can get these from you? They are so adorable!! We want to use them at our Auto Body business. If it sounds like I'm downloading correctly, do you think you can email them to me? It would make my month! :) Thanks!

  6. I can't download these either :( I've been trying to all morning..

  7. What I did to download is I went to print and then elected to save to my computer instead of printing.

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  13. I cannot get this one to download either, please help

  14. Your download link doesn't work. I even created a box account and it still won't download or preview.

  15. Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Car Emergency Printables >>>>> Download Now

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    Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Car Emergency Printables >>>>> Download LINK

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    Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Car Emergency Printables >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK xx


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