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**Attention Readers: As of 1/24/14 all printables are first come first serve. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I had to end my Box membership, so they will only allow a set number of downloads per month. Once I’m moved and have settled in to my new home, I should be able to once again afford the monthly fees. In the mean time please come back at the first of the month and try downloading. Thank you for your patience.


Free Moving Kit

Moving can be nerve-racking whether you are moving down the street or across the country. I have moved from California to Oregon to Texas and back to Oregon, so I know firsthand that there are about a million things that can go wrong during a move.  A moving binder is a great way to keep all of your information in one place including moving estimates, receipts, box inventory lists and labels. The binder keeps everything organized, which makes for a smoother move. If a move is in your future, this moving kit has everything you need to keep organized! Each room or area of your home is given a color, which coordinates with the box labels.  I've included doorknob hangers to help quickly identify which room each box belongs in. Happy moving!


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  1. Wowzers! I can tell you put a lot of thought into this kit! I could've used it when we moved to Oregon last May! Definitely keeping it in mind for the future! =) Great job!!

    1. Hi Danielle! Thank you. The kit took some time to put together, but I’m so happy with the results. No more guessing which box goes where :)

  2. WOW! What an AWESOME KIT! Many thanks ;)

  3. Thank you, I'm now following you as well!

  4. Hi Bekah! I found your blog on the blog hop and I love it! I'm a happy new follower!


    1. Thank you so much, I’m your newest follower!

  5. Hi Bekah! I am a new follower stopping by from the blog hop. I would love to have you stop by my blog and check it out.

    1. Thank you, I’m following you now as well :)

  6. This is going to help so much. I am moving in a little over a month. Thanks!

    1. I’m so glad this will help you Rachel. Best of luck on your move! :)

  7. Bekah -- this is awesome! Can tell that you have some experience moving and that you put a lot of thought into this! I would love it if you would consider linking to Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy, a Sunday through Thursday link party for ideas that make life easier, better and more fun!

  8. this is great bekah! pinning!!
    thanks for sharing on Serenity Saturday.
    hope to see you there again tomorrow

    Natasha xx

    1. Hi Natasha! I’m now following you on Pinterest :)

  9. You are featured this week on Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy! Hope you will stop by and grab a Featured Button. Can’t wait to see what other projects you’ve been working on — link again soon!

    1. Hi Charlene! Thank you so much for the feature! I grabbed your Featured Button and I’ll be linking up again tonight. Thanks again!

  10. Okay are, like, my new best friend. I really need this! We have moved oh, about 10 times and either we had very, very little or the military moved us. I am now in the process of putting our house on the market and moving from WA to SC very soon-but can't tell a soul! :( total bummer-especially for my blog. Soooo thank you, once again!, for another amazing set of goodies.

    1. Hi new bff :) Wow that is a big move. I hope this kit makes things easier for you. Best of luck on your move!

  11. These are awesome! We are a military family and we move a lot. I love the idea of color coordinating the boxes and the room hangers. I spent a lot of time after the last move lugging boxes upstairs/downstairs that had been put in the wrong rooms. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. I originally created this system when my husband and I were planning a cross country move and I dreaded lugging boxes from one room to another. I’m so happy that this kit may be able to help military families like yours :)

  12. This is EXCEPTIONAL! You have a great understanding of everything that goes into moving. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I’ve been through my share of moves and each was a learning experience that’s for sure.

  13. Moving in August, this is perfect! Thank you! (: What type of labels did you use for printing?

    1. Hi Robyn! I usually use sticker sheets (full sheet labels), but to save money I've also printed them on regular paper and taped over them. Best of luck on your move :)

  14. Thank you for sharing, Bekah! I just came across your page through Pinterest. We're headed for a cross-country move in just a few weeks and I am glad to have your kit to help with staying organized!! Julia

  15. This is just fantastic! You are a life saver!!!! Thank you so much for all your time and effort that you put into this. It has EVERYTHING! Following you on Pinterest now! :)

  16. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. Your life experience and organized thinking will surely bless my family in our move. Again.... thank you.

    1. I hope all goes well with your move. Best of luck!

  17. Oh my goodness I absolutely LOVE this. I am relocating to Arizona because my husband is in the Army and I'm having to do everything by myself right now and this is just a LIFE SAVER! Thank you sooo much for this! I will be moving quite a bit because of the Army so it is nice to have something to help with the stress! Thank you!!

  18. I am moving about an hour away here soon into my first apartment with my boyfriend (his 4th or 5th apartment, & I have been looking for something to help organize for when I do! Thank you I will def be using this! :-)

  19. I'm unable to download the file, is it still available?

    1. It didn't work for me either, but then I downloaded the Box app on my phone and signed up for free, then it worked just fine!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

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