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**Attention Readers: As of 1/24/14 all printables are first come first serve. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I had to end my Box membership, so they will only allow a set number of downloads per month. Once I’m moved and have settled in to my new home, I should be able to once again afford the monthly fees. In the mean time please come back at the first of the month and try downloading. Thank you for your patience.


Free: Kids Chore Charts

Since I'm a list maker at heart, I love the idea of a chart to help kids keep track of their daily chores. I just made this chore chart for my cousin, since she was having a hard time finding a cute chore chart for her little girls. 

{download here}

Just in case you need it too, I'm sharing! I also made one for boys too. These charts can be filled, printed, placed in a page protector (or laminated) and checked off with a dry erase marker so you can re-use it over and over.

The above printable is editable so you can fill in the fields by typing instead of writing.
For personal use only. Please do not reproduce for commercial use.


Pin It!


  1. Thanks so much for this! Perfect timing... we are just working on something new for keeping track of these types of things. Thanks

    1. I hope it works well for you :)

    2. I wanted to let you know that I did use this chart. I'm linking to your blog from my blog today as I am showing people my command central and this is a part. Thanks!
      In case you want to see it - the post is:

    3. Your kid's command center looks great!

    4. Thank you! For making a template that was easy to work with and print. No gimmicks and etc... Truly, Thanks!

    5. Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Kids Chore Charts >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Kids Chore Charts >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Kids Chore Charts >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK ps

  2. By far the CUTEST chore charts I've seen!! Thank you!

  3. These are lovely chore charts, your printables are always great!

  4. These are fantatsic printabel just what I have been looking for for my 3 girls

  5. So simple and DARLING! Thank you!

  6. Found you through Pinterest! I'm laminating these & using dry erase markers. Much cuter than the spreadsheets I have up now. Thanks so much!

  7. What great printables! Thanks for sharing at Homemade By You!

  8. Just pinned these. Thank you!

  9. It let's me download these but then asks me to enter the document passwords to use them?

  10. Specifically, it says "Please enter the Document Permissions password to remove the restrictions" The little box that pops up is titled PDF security password

    1. Hi Emily! I don’t know why it wouldn’t let you type in the fields and print. I do have a password protection on both charts, but that is only for preventing copying. I can email you the file if you would like?

    2. It is not letting me download the chore charts. Could you please email them to me. cole0930 at msn dot com Thank you! They are just what I was looking for!

  11. I love these! I just edited in my kids' chores and now am having trouble printing. It asks me to click "sign" to edit and then "done signing" to save a copy. I can't find "sign" or "done signing".....

    1. I’m sorry that it’s not printing. I tweaked the security settings and uploaded a new version, which hopefully will work better for you. Please let me know if it still isn’t letting you print and I’ll try emailing it to you.

    2. Hi,
      These are perfect! I was able to download and fill, but it says I have to "sign" before I can save....not sure what to do?

    3. Hi Mary,
      I looked up saving fillable PDFs online and this was the number one answer. I hope it helps.
      “The free Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view and print fillable PDF forms. It does not allow you to save a form to your PC once you have filled them in. You must have Adobe Acrobat Writer software installed on your computer to save completed PDF forms for future reference or to send as an attachment to an e-mail. An option is to download the free Foxit PDF reader from It will allow you to save your filled out forms. You can also use the previous version of Adobe Reader 8.1.3, but with both Foxit and Adobe Reader version 9, you will have all available options.”

    4. Will give it a try! Thank you!!

    5. I am also having trouble downloading the charts it prompts a third party called box and when I signed up thinking it would help me to get the charts it doesn't download is there a link you could included to not have to go through all this trouble.

  12. These are so cute, but it's asking me for a password when I try to edit it in photoshop. Can you help? Thanks!

  13. Hi Sarah! All of my printables are password protected and cannot be edited in Photoshop or AI. These are fillable and can be filled and printed using Adobe Acrobat.

  14. Thank you! I found you via I'm sharing this chore chart printable on my blog Already printed out the chart for my 7 year old so she can keep busy all summer!

  15. I love it! I just started following you! Thanks! Found it on pinterest. I have 4 kids and one on the way, and I needed some help scheduling what to do for the summer so I am using this to include my non chore items for the kids like read Bible,20 min practicing a skill, excercise, journal, etc.. so we can track our progress so we can earn a weekly prize like a trip to Dairy queen. Thanks I have more summer planning ideas on my crafty, healthy, homeschool blog at . Glad to have found you! Kristy

    1. Hi Kristy! Thanks so much for following! Great summer planning ideas by the way.

  16. Thanks! Perfect for what I needed!

  17. I love this chore chart! I found this through pinterest and I really think this is what will work for my family. I've tried to download and add my kids' names and chores but when I print it's blank. Not sure if this is user error or what. I've tried it on both the girls chart and boys chart. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong!

    1. Hi Sara! Here are a few ideas that I found online, I hope they help.
      If you can't print a PDF form, there may be a number of reasons. Try some or all of these steps to see if you can fix it:
       Use Acrobat 8.0 (or later) to open the file directly after downloading. You can download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader Free on Adobe's Web site:
       Make sure to click outside of the form field before printing. If a form field is active or selected (e.g. contains the blinking bar) the contents of that block will not print.
       When the print diologue box appears try selecting "Print document and markups" from the drop down menu located under the section labeled "Comments and Forms". Or print the PDF as an image by choosing "Print as Image" from the "Advanced" window in the Print dialog box.
       Occasionally if you print a range of pages instead of 'all pages' it prints filled in information correctly.
       Most printing problems can be resolved by obtaining and installing the most recent print driver available for your particular make and model printer. Most printer manufacturers provide free printer driver updates from their web sites.
       As a last resort, download the PDF file again and fill it out again.

    2. Thank you so much, Bekah! Apparently I hadn't downloaded the Adobe update in a while. Doing that fixed the problem. I'm so happy!

    3. Awesome! I'm so glad that it's printing now :)

  18. Hi! When I print this the words print like they are double, but it's only the words. Everything else prints fine....any suggestions?? I know it's not my printer, I tested it with a word document & it printed fine. I also updated my adobe to make sure I had the latest? Has anyone else had this problem?

    1. Hi! Sorry that your having issues printing the chart. As far as I know no one else has had this issue. I scoured the net for a solution, but the only thing I found is the font may possibly be triggering the text in the text box to print twice. Printing the file as an image bypasses that by sending the printer a simple image of the document instead.
      1. Ensure that your printer is turned on and connected.
      2. Choose File > Print, and then click Advanced.
      Mac OS: If you don't see the Advanced button, click the Down Arrow (to the right of the Printer pop-up menu).
      3. Select Print As Image.
      4. Click OK to close the Advanced Print Setup dialog box, and then click OK to print.

  19. Thanks for the response...I tried what you suggested, but it still won't work. Really weird:) Could you e.mail it to me, do you think that would make a difference? joseegarch AT

    1. Sorry that didn’t help. I just sent the charts to you in an email and I hope they print perfectly for you :)

  20. Thanks so much! These charts are adorable! I found them on pinterest. I'm going to use them for my ADHD niece to help her visualize what she has to do each day.

    Thanks again!

  21. thank you so much for the great charts! i'm hoping this helps my daughter :)

  22. I am computer challenged so THANX for simplifying my life!!! I appreciate your generosity to share your talents!! :) This will be great for the summer.

  23. Hi! I love these chore charts and can't wait to get started using them!

    When I enter my child's name in the upper left hand corner, it won't put the name in the center of the box, and cuts off the top of the first letter. It also won't let me use a pretty font...just the generic one. Any suggestions on what I need to do to be able to adjust the location of the name to the center of the box and use a pretty font?



    1. Hi Nikki! I don’t understand why it’s not centering; I’ve only had that problem if the name is too long. As for the fonts I used Honey Script (, but I don’t think fonts can be changed sorry. I hope this helps :)

    2. Oh I LOVE the font you use, and what is coming up is definitely not it. :( I tried inserting a screen shot of what happens when I enter the name, but it's not working. The names are 7 letters long. Not sure if that is too long or not. I will keep playing around with it.

    3. Ahhh, I just figured it out. The form does not like Safari. I opened it in Google Chrome and it worked!!! Thanks for trying to help me figure it out, and thank you for the beautiful chart!! :)


  24. Finally, I was able to download and open a free printable from your site! I downloaded Foxit software and it worked!(I saw your reply suggesting Foxit.) I have been a follower for quite a while and have never been able to open anything. :( - Yeah, I can finally use your adorable prints!!! - Thank you!

    1. Hi Lana! I'm happy that Foxit worked and they are downloading for you now :)

    2. Rebekah, could please email me this file? I can’t get it to let me edit in Adobe! Thanks!

  25. Thank you!! I have tried to use way to many forms and these are the best and easiest!! It took me 5 minutes to set the chores for my kids! THANK YOU1111

  26. love these! thank you! you are so talented!

  27. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Single mom who hasn't had work hours in 2 weeks and money is TIGHT... I could afford the few pennies to print this and had the page protectors and dry-erase! I'm tired of doing it ALL!

    1. I was raised by a single mother, so I understand how difficult it can be. Hopefully this will motivate your child to help out more.

  28. thank you for sharing your great ideas and printables. It makes the world so much cuter for those of us who don't know how to create printables!

  29. Thanks so much for making these available. I am using them to keep a list of 'earning options' for my kids to do in addition to normal chores.

  30. I love these! I searched the web for chore charts and these are by far the cutest! Thanks for sharing them with us. PS-everything edited and printed perfectly for me.

  31. Been using these for about 3 months. So nice to not tell my kids what to do. If they get all chores done for the week they get $5. If they don't they loose $5 and also loose an activity they enjoy. Like staying up 1/2 hour later or extra 20 min on playstation. Thanks so much I love this and it's free and works perfect for us. I really appreciate that. I searched and searched and when I came across yours. It was perfect. Thanks for taking the extra time to help out so many families.

  32. Thanks for the free printables! I found the financial papers very valuable as well as these chore charts for my kids. I had made my own chart for them, but I love the style you did yours in. They are great and i love that they are editable. I am a teacher and a mom and would love to know what program you use to make your pdf's editable. thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Jessica, I use Adobe Acrobat X Pro to add the text fields.

  33. Printing out the boys chore chart right now!
    I love it & have never found a better one- perfectly simple= perfect

    1. Awesome Patsy! I hope they work well for you.

  34. Using this for my soon to be 2 year old. I typed in stuff he already does (feed the pets? Pick up his toys? Put his clothes in the hamper?) and stuff we want to keep track of (Did he eat every meal? Take a bath that day?). Later, I can replace tasks with more advanced tasks.

    I printed it out and put it in a picture frame I got from the Dollar Store. It's posted by his bedroom door with a dry erase marker. That way it's in sight and easier to remember, but out of his reach. :)

    I shared your link on my Facebook page for my friends to use!


  35. I want to edit it and it wont let me can you email me it in word? Thanks

    1. Hi Kristy,
      I just emailed you. I can send you a PDF, but it will still be password protected so the only editing allowed is typing in the text fields. Thank you for your understanding.

  36. It worked just perfect for me. Thank you so much for your generosity and creativity!! :-)

  37. Would love to be able to save the edits of chores listed. Why is it not possible to save edits?

    1. Acrobat Reader is very frustrating because it only lets you read the file, but if you have Adobe Acrobat Pro you can save your changes.

  38. I want to bring it into Photoshop Elements to use a cute font. How else do you achieve this? I have adobe acrobat standard but I'm only able to create a text box with ugly font. I guess I can print, and scan. Thanks.

    1. Hi Kristin,
      Unfortunately I had to add a password to all of my printables to keep people from stealing my work and selling it, so they can't be used in PSE. But I used honey script, which you can download for free @

  39. Love them!!! Just printed 2 for my girls and put them in frames and am using a dry erase marker to check them off!! You do great work!

  40. What program do you use to design all this stuff? I love it, but I'm not really a pastel person. I like more black and dark colors. I use Acrobat X all the time do make fillable forms, but I do a lot of designing in Word and it seems like there's probably a better program to use. Maybe you do tutorials or have used some good ones. (I'm just hoping.)

    1. I mostly use a combination of Word and PSE. I've learned on my own, but I think Adobe has free tutorials on their site.

  41. Thank you these great downloads. We are using them at home and I shared your link on my post at So wonderful!!!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I just downloaded The Charts! Adorable Design. Thank you Very much! You made my day!!
    Now..... Let's put Those kids to work!! Im starting a Blog and Have no clue what Im doing yet
    that's why I erased my other post the amp;amp; Looks bad :( Oh well! Thanks again ;)

  44. Great help! keep up the good job!!!!

  45. Wow ! this can be an exquisite and informative web site.It is a awfully helpful for U.S.. So, i prefer it greatly. several several thanks for build this web site. If you wish additional data regarding stock charts to go to stock charts shopping for the suitable Monitor Time frames is a vital half from inexperienced persons stock choices shopping for and merchandising along side location encourage job chart. In accordance with simply however long the positions characteristically stick with it, you may wish to shop for a time schedule that is compatible.

  46. I can't seem to download any of the files. The finical ones or these. I click download but nothing happens. Then if I try printing from there, it doesn't come up & I've printed plenty of PDFs before so I know I can.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I can't seem to download these which is a shame because they seem to be the best looking ones I've found. I'll try again later.

  49. I would love to download these and I have "created an account" for that box app but this wont download. How can I get it to work?!

  50. I'm having trouble as well. Is this printable still available? Thanks!

  51. Anyone have any luck... it doesn't seem to download?

  52. Hi i'm having trouble downloading these. When i hit the download button, nothing happens?
    Sorry i'm not very tech savvy. Could you email them to me, i love them!

  53. Not working for me either! I would love to use these!!

  54. me too... frustrating.

  55. These are super cute. Not sure why we're unable to download :(

  56. I am unable to download them, either. It's possible the download ability of that file has expired. Anyone have any luck with it? Thanks!!

  57. I would also love if you could email me the pdf file. I click the download link and then it takes me to the "Box" website. I click download and nothing happens.

  58. I click download and nothing happens. Would love this for my kids! =\

  59. This is soooo cute. We have really enjoyed. What is the name of the font that their names are written?

  60. I'm having a super difficult time downloading these cute cute chore charts. I need help PLEASE....

  61. These are so cute!! I would love them but I am also having some trouble! The pdf opens but nothing happens when I click on the Download button. Would you be able to e-mail it? Thank you!

  62. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us! Not only did I just make a chore chart for my 4-year-old, but I also did one for his homeschool subjects. So awesome! I'm sure I can think of a task list for myself too!

  63. I really like your post.It's very informative and interesting. I really appreciate that.
    Adobe Support

  64. I'm not able to download either. Just click it and noting happens.

  65. To everyone having a hard time downloading the template--it wouldn't work for me at work due to our firewall. I was able to download it to my smartphone and then email that to myself so I could print it out. Not the fastest work around, but a workaround none the less. :)

  66. I haven't been able to download this, would you be willing to email it to me?

  67. I don't understand why there is morning routine and evening routine? And then stuff in the middle?

  68. Thank you for the printable! I found you via pinterest and love this. I had trouble at first getting it to download, it was just showing up blank. I hit print (just to see what would happen) and viola the editable pdf generated.

  69. I love this printable chore chart! I was not able to download an editable version from, is it possible to obtain it elsewhere? Thank you so much!

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Hi, I'd love to use this, but when I click "Download", nothing happens. Can you help? Thanks!

  72. I'm having the same problem . . . I can't download the file. I even signed up for a Box account and I can't get it to download to my computer or save to Box. Very cute chart, I would love to use it!

  73. Thanks for the chore chart. It's one of the cutest that I've seen. My daughter saw this while I was filling this up and got excited that she'll be using it soon.

  74. Thank you so much. I really love this chart. I printed one several years ago for my oldest son and now my little guy is ready for his own and I'd love for them to match. However, I can't get this Box file thing to work. I click download and nothing happens. I have tried the help section on that site but nothing is really helping. Is there anyway you can send it to me via e-mail? Thank you very much!

  75. Can you email this to me please? It is not downloading.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. For those that are still having trouble downloading, all you have to do when you click on the link above is to select "print" instead of "download"... then when the next window comes up, move your mouse to the bottom right and options will come up and instead of print, click on the disk image to save it. It will save as "download" but it's the actual editable charts. I did this with mine and that is how I was FINALLY able to use these. Hope this works for some of you having trouble. :)

  78. Thank you for sharing I just printed mine. Hope to put it to good use!

  79. How to get the boys copy? I saved the image and it looks like both copies girls and boys in one image.
    Please advise! TIA

  80. I just found your charts on Pinterest and I love them and can't wait to use them for my 3 girls! I tried to download and I had to create a Box account but i still can't find them. I know it's definitely user error but any advice you can give to help me download them is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  81. Love your chart! Working on printing it now! Just curious, what program do you use to create things like this? Thanks!!

  82. Hi There. LOVE these charts! Thanks so much for making them editable. When I try to save them to my computer to print, it doesn't allow me to. any idea why this may be happening? Thank you

  83. I am not able to download these documents. I created a Box account but I am still unable to access them. Is it possible to email them to me? If so my email is
    Thanks so much

  84. I tried to download these as well and I can't get it! I created a box account too and nothing. Please email it to me if possible? I love this!!

  85. i tired to download or print but cant get it :/ but can you email it to me at
    i would love to make for my kids.. thank you!

  86. I am having trouble downloading the form to edit and print. Can you please e-mail it to me at Thank you!

  87. I have tried to download these and they open in "box". I can type and print, but I would like to be able to use these over and over. Can I not save them to my computer for future use?

  88. Thanks so much for the free chore charts! They are going to be a lifesaver this summer :) We're busy putting together our home summer camp "Camp Jenny" and this is going to be part of it.

    Jennifer @ The Jenny Evolution

  89. I click on the Download box and it doesn't download to anything. Can I have them emailed to me at please.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. I am having trouble downloading these even with my box account, can these be emailed? Thank you!

  92. I just found your site, and I must say I love it. I'm not sure how long ago you put this up but I have been trying to download your free printables but it's not working. I have tried every option I could think of. Please help?

  93. Hi! I love these, but am unable to download them! Would like to start using them right away--can you email them?,
    Thank you!

  94. Thank you for sharing, this will be perfect for our 8 year old! xoxo, ganeeban

  95. I have tried downloading this chart and cannot get it where I can add my child's name and chores! Can you HELP!!!??!??! PLEASE

  96. I tried to download your printable kids chore chart and it won't let me. Is it something I'm doing?

  97. Thank you so much! So very grateful to you for making these available.

  98. How do I edit so I can put a name in??

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. I tried to download but it says it can not be found?? Help

    1. I'm having the same issue.

    2. Me too. I love these! Thank you for creating them and sharing. Is the download no longer available?

  101. Thank you for creating this. Is it still available?

  102. I was wondering if these were still available to print. I tried downloading, but it said that the pdf isn't found. I don't know if it's my computer or just user error. ;) These are soooo cute and my daughter said they were her favorite. Hopefully I can get it working!

  103. I'm curious too... I would love to use them but I can't print :( I love these!! :)

  104. Unfortunately there the document is no longer available. How can I go about getting one?

  105. Hi,
    Is it possible for you to email this to me?

  106. Hi,

    I am trying desperately to download this from but can't!
    Is this file still available?
    My three boys need this!! (Or I do...)

  107. HI I love these charts and I downloaded but I can't edit it. Could you possibly email it to me?

  108. I love your charts, but am unable to download even after signing up for a Box account. Can you please email them to me at Thank you!!!

  109. Hi there. I love this but I can't print it nor download it. Can you help?

  110. Can't download or print it. Frustrating!!

  111. I can't download or print either. Are you able to email this file directly to me? I've tried so many different options and still won't let me print.

  112. are these still available? any way they can just be emailed to me? having too much trouble downloading - busy single mom

    1. Having the same problem can you email them to me as well.

  113. I am unable to download or edit the chart. Could I also get it emailed to me at Thank you!

  114. It brings me to a website hosted by Box in which they want me to sign up and pay in order to download...

  115. I can not download this no matter what I try it keeps sending me to this website that is called box supposedly for storing pdf's. Well I was wondering if there was any way you could help me work thru this to get these charts?


  117. Perfect just what I was looking for!

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  120. Thank you so much! These are beautiful and really help motivate us!
    Thank you for so generously sharing them <3

  121. These are great! So glad they are free printable! Win WIn!

  122. Chore Charts is really work.
    I have three children under the age of 5. The eldest child I raised with printable charts. But you need a lot of them. Now I use the Manini app for three children. These are the same printable chores cards but in the phone. They are not lost and are always at hand, even on a walk. In the app, you can mark the completion of tasks and children like it very much. They actually ask for tasks themselves to make a mark the task. I felt much better. And I'm not nervous and it's easy for children to become independent.

  123. Can someone please email an editable copy of this? I have tried to edit through Adobe, fill and sign, and nothing is working. I keep getting “read only file” or “password protected”. Thanks!

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  126. Hello, I can't open this PDF without a password. Is there one we can use? Very cute chore chart for my boys!


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  128. Pinch A Little Save-A-Lot: : Kids Chore Charts >>>>> Download Now

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